NEW Proof of Coverage Episode: WiFi Map
WiFi Map is a successful Web2 travel and connectivity app about to enter Web3 with the launch of its token, $WIFI
Last Wednesday (3/22), Mahesh and I sat down with Denis Sklyarov, CEO at WiFi Map.
We discussed: how WiFi Map solves connectivity issues globally, how they grew to 120M+ app downloads with zero paid marketing, and the upcoming launch of their WIFI token (and transition from a Web2 to a Web3 company)!
I’ve recently published two Substacks on WiFi Map that I’d highly recommend checking out. The first is an investment memo providing a good overview and analysis of the company. The second is a PPT-based deep dive that’s much more visual.
To gain additional insight into WiFi Map and its founder, feel free to listen to the podcast. We really enjoyed this conversation with Denis and hope you will too!
Show notes and relevant links are included below, feel free to reach out to me via Twitter with any questions or comments.
Show Notes
0:00 Intro
03:15 Denis’ Background and Wifi Map’s Origin
07:40 The problem WiFi Map solves
10:06 How WiFi Map serves their users
12:08 WiFi Map’s organic growth
15:18 Wifi Map’s User Personas
20:18 Why Businesses Love WiFi Map
24:16 WiFi Map’s Upcoming Token Launch
28:53 How WiFi Map Uses AI
31:52 Denis’ View on the Future of Crypto
Learn more:
Disclosures: This podcast is strictly informational and educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any tokens or securities or to make any financial decisions. Do not trade or invest in any project, tokens, or securities based upon this podcast episode. The hosts or the companies they work for (Second Element Partners or Escape Velocity Ventures) may own tokens that are mentioned on the podcast.
Moving forward
Moving forward, I’ll be writing about happenings in DeWi, DePIN (decentralized physical infrastructure networks), and my own life as they come up.
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Disclaimer: As of the date of this publication, Connor Lovely (together with any entity he has ownership in, works or consults for, collectively, “Connor”) may hold long, short or neutral positions in or related to the companies, securities, commodities or digital assets described or discussed herein. At any time, Connor may transact in any of the securities, commodities, digital assets, or products described or discussed herein. The information in this publication was prepared by Connor, is believed by Connor to be reliable, and/or has been obtained from public sources believed by him to be reliable. But, Connor makes no representation or warranty of any kind as to the accuracy or completeness of any of such information. Opinions, estimates and projections in this publication may constitute the current judgment of Connor and, in any case, are subject to change without notice. Any projections, forecasts and estimates contained in this publication are necessarily speculative in nature and are based upon certain assumptions. It can be expected that some or all of such assumptions, projections, forecasts or estimates will not materialize or will vary significantly from actual results. Accordingly, actual results will differ and may vary substantially from the assumptions, projections, forecasts or estimates described or discussed herein. This publication is not a recommendation to purchase, or an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy, any security, commodity, digital asset or product. Any investment involves a high degree of risk including the potential for total loss of investment or principal and other adverse consequences. There is no guarantee that any investment will be successful or achieve desired results. Past performance of of any investment, strategy or product is not necessarily indicative of future results. Any action taken or not taken by you as a result of this publication is entirely at your own risk, and Connor shall have no liability of any kind with respect thereto.